How To Purchase

If you are considering a purchase of a StudyBed please call us on 01844 214484 or email us to discuss your requirements. We love and encourage dialogue to enable us to assist you with your plans in order to make the optimum choice..that is very much our priority above simply trying to sell you a StudyBed!

 However, if you’d prefer to initially  fill out the form below, then, without any commitment, this will give you a totalled price and enable us to communicate with you to help you proceed with your order.


There are often many issues to consider when purchasing a StudyBed and we love to talk through the details with you in case of any queries. We pride ourselves on the personal touch, and very much welcome your call or email!

See our reviews on Trustpilot

The dimensions for each model can be found in the ‘Models and Prices’ section here. Please bear in mind that an additional 5 cm (approx) may be required width-wise for assembly purposes.

If you are in any doubt about the size or positioning of your StudyBed, especially if it’s going to be a tight fit, please do call us to discuss before ordering.

Alternatively, you can email us a simple room plan using our ‘Room Planning Guide’, which you can download below, and we will get back to you with advice and suggestions.

We are able to make some modifications to get around certain constraints – give us a call to check exactly what is possible and if a StudyBed could work for you.


Download our Essential Guide to Planning here


If you’d like to view a StudyBed before purchasing we have a showroom at our headquarters in Thame where a range of StudyBeds are available to view. Details and opening hours can be found here.


We have many existing customers across the UK who are willing to show their StudyBed, Please email us with your location and model you would like to see, and we can make the arrangements


We also have  a link up with the very high quality Malvern Garden Buildings Company with a StudyBed available to view in each of their sites. Please click here for more info



For standard sized items, we require a £500 deposit on receipt of order.  The final balance is payable just prior to delivery, ideally by bank transfer.

Delivery and Installation

StudyBeds arrive flat-packed, but largely pre-assembled, in order to get them into their intended room. We offer a full delivery and installation service.

Delivery lead times are typically 3 to 5 weeks but if you have a more urgent need, please let us know and we will endeavour to meet your time frame.

Once your order has been placed we will liaise with you to arrange a suitable delivery date and thereafter give you a narrow time slot and predicted job time.